The TRiCAM lab supports all members and encourages within-lab connections. Additionally, lab members may be interested in the following organizations that provide additional support and resources and serve communities that tend to be underrepresented in the sciences and/or academia.
Science Resources
- Association of Multicultural Scientists
- Council for the Advancement of Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
- Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students
- University of Minnesota Chapter of AISES - the American Indian Science and Engineering Society
- Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)
- Empowering Women in Science
Non-science Resources
- Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life
- Council of International Graduate Students
- Black Graduate and Professional Student Association
- Graduate Student Of Color Alliance
- Society for Native and Indigenous Graduate Students
- Mental Health Collective Of Indigenous People And People Of Color